The Department of Electrical Engineering at Khwopa College of Engineering organized educational tours in December 2081 for the 6th-semester BEL2078 batch to three notable hydropower plants: Upper Trisuli 3A (60 MW), Lower Marshyangdi (69 MW), and Seti Hydropower Plant (1.5 MW). These visits provided students with practical insights into hydropower generation, including turbine operations, switchyards, control systems, and civil structures like dams and penstock tunnels.
At Upper Trisuli 3A, students explored the intricacies of a 60 MW plant powered by the Trisuli River, observing vertical shaft Francis turbines, excitation systems, switchyards, and civil structures such as the dam, desanding basin, and penstock tunnels. At the 69 MW Marsyangdi Hydropower Plant in Tanahu, students examined the powerhouse’s operations, electromechanical components, and the associated dam site. The Seti Hydropower Plant, a 1.5 MW run-of-river project in Pokhara, offered insights into horizontal shaft turbines, canal systems, and the integration of irrigation and electricity generation.
Figure 1: Students at Lower Marshyangdi powerhouse
The students gained valuable knowledge through technical orientations by plant engineers, who detailed components such as GIS/AIS switchgear and efficient water diversion techniques. These visits included on-site exploration of powerhouses, switchyards, dam sites, and control rooms, with engineers providing real-world insights into turbine efficiency, maintenance protocols, and grid synchronization challenges.
Figure 2: Students at Upper Trisuli 3A Powerhouse
Interactive Q&A sessions fostered a deeper understanding of hydropower systems and their role in sustainable energy. The hands-on experience allowed the students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Figure 3: Students at Seti Hydro Power Plant, Pokhara
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