On 5th December 2024, Professor Sambeet Mishra, Department of Electrical, IT, Cybernetics from the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) paid a visit to Khwopa College of Engineering upon the cordial invitation along with a few of his Ph.D. scholars and one of the alumni of Electrical Engineering Department, Tajana Nepal (BEL 2069 Batch) who has been recently pursuing her PhD from the same University. Er. Rakesh Gwachha, Head of Department, Electrical Engineering Department warm welcomed the distinguished guest in the presence of Er. Sunil Duwal, Principal, Khwopa College of Engineering. The major concern of the visit focused on initiating and enhancing academic collaboration between Khwopa College of Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering, USN. The session was an enriching experience for all attendees, as the professor shared valuable insights into broader scopes of Electrical Engineering, IT Cybernetics, Power System Planning, Energy Markets, and Integrated Energy Systems, sparking engaging discussions and thought-provoking ideas. The major highlights were in-depth discussions on initiating collaboration through non-credit courses related to Power System Planning to the fourth-year students of Electrical Engineering and engaging collaborative research with the graduate and post-graduate projects and students to the possible extent.
The meeting concluded with a brief exchange of information about the Khwopa College of Engineering by Sunil Duwal. He extended gratitude to the Professor for the time at KhCE to share his knowledge and experience. This meeting develops a moment to pursue further collaborations and continue the journey of learning and innovation in the academic world.
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